May 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:47pm by Simone Luke, President. Present: Simone Luke, Will Hernandez, Jack Damonte, , Glenn Parrish, and Sal Gambino. Excused: Gerry Holstein. Homeowners Present: 21 Blue Crest Management: Mara Carter, Property Manager
Motion by Sal G. to accept March 17, 2015 minutes. Second Will H., motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR
Motion by Simone L. to accept May 5, 2015 minutes. Second Sal G., motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR
Financial Report – Simone Luke, President
- April 30, 2015 Operating Account $41,019.28 / May 15, 2015 Operating Account $69,081.78
- Over budget $24,838
- Suntrust Reserve $231,277.41
- Account Receivable $27,932.68
– (3) homes in foreclosure, Board to review process and decision to be made
Master Association Report April 2015 – Sal Gambino, Director (alternate Glenn Parrish)
- Earth Advisor paid $7,500 for report
- Chelsea 1 paid $12,000 to fix bridge
- Master did not want alternative member from Associations to attend the meetings; VOTED YES
- $1,500 over budget for electricity; FPL wanted a $700 deposit
- ARB committee for Master has to approve Sunset Cove ARB decision
ARB Report
- Discussion for Association to install aluminum fence around perimeter; consider replacing with wall
Old Business
- Irrigation update: contacted (2) other vendors and they referred Hoover System. 4-6 weeks to install new
pump then fix irrigation lines/breaks and sprinkler heads
- Motion by Simone L. to accept Hoover System proposal for $35,000 for fiberglass enclosed irrigation pump
station. Second Glenn P, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR with (2) dissenting votes Jack D. and Sal G.
- Motion by Will H. to accept Atlantic Construction proposal to complete renovation of the guardhouse and pool
bathrooms not to exceed $70,000. Second Simone L., Glenn P., Sal G. with (1) dissenting vote by Jack D.
- Motion by Glenn P. to deactivate decals for delinquent accounts (90 days). Second Sal G., motion carried. ALL
Open Forum
- Get electronic access cards for pool; no more key
- Ground Group mowing over dogs toys
- Grounds Group when removing tree and stump fill in hole
- Grounds Group blowing mulch and rocks
- Grounds Group needs to close gates until they come back to finish
- Touch of Class, Kenny takes too long to install wood fence
- Violation letters for shared wood fences; send to both owners
With no further discussion, Motion by Simone to adjourn at 8:12pm. ALL IN FAVOR
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