January 2014 Meeting Minutes

January 2014 Meeting Minutes





The meeting was called to order at 6:42pm by William Hernandez, Vice President. Present: William Hernandez, Jack Damonte, Peter Heymann, Linda Torrents and Simone Luke via teleconference. Absent: Walt McDonald. Homeowners Present: 4


Financials – December 31, 2013

Operating Account: $43,266.09

Due from Reserves: $11,261.80

Combined Accounts – $375,115.06/ (without due from Reserves): $363,853.26


Management Report

  • No late fees were billed due to transition
  • Some bill pays were rejected; owner set-up without bank account information or

account number. Checks were rejected and mailed back to owners.


President Report

Jack reported that he and Simone attended the Master Association meeting on January 14, 2014. The request was made that the sign be replaced with a new sign.


ARB Report

Judy Shoots reported that 10166 NW 3rd Court approval for roof replacement needs to be notarized.


Old Business

The Board reviewed proposals from Frydman Law Group and Eisinger, Brown Law Firm. Motion by Linda to hire Eisinger Brown Law Firm. Second Jack, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR, unanimous.


Legal Report from Merino:

  • Lot 95 not in collections: send account to new Attorney
  • Lot 11 owner $8,250 (owner passed away); Association waiting on money due.

Management to contact Attorney for update.

  • Lot 27 Motion by Simone to remove all late fees of $75.00 and allow owner to make a

payment plan with no late fees added to account moving forward. Second Wil, motion

carried. ALL IN FAVOR

  • Lot 131 Identify what the Attorney is doing to collect legal fees. Has notice been sent,

was a lien filed? Management to contact Attorney for update.

  • Lot 22 was a lien filed? Management to contact Attorney for update.


Management to verify fining process (90 days). A violation/fining committee needs to be appointed.


TABLED: Camera system / gates and guardhouse & pool renovations


New Business

Motion by Wil to hire Vesta Property Service maintenance personnel. Second Linda, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR


The Board discussed irrigation proposals: Motion by Wil to terminate Victor with a 30 day notice and hire Broward Landscape to do the irrigation at a revised cost of $2,200.00 monthly. Simone, Wil and Linda voted YES; Peter and Jack voted NO (3 -2 motion passed).


Asphalt /concrete valley repairs: Motion by Wil to accept All County proposal at a cost of $8,755.00. The owners are to be billed for the cost of the driveway work. Second Linda, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR


Motion by Wil to accept True Painting to pressure clean and paint the entire outer perimeter of the wall at a cost of $6,500.00. Second Linda, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR


The Board discussed the community social event scheduled for February 9, 2014. Linda thinks the date is too soon and not enough time to prepare. Also stated it may be better in the spring time due to weather conditions in February.


With no further discussion, Motion by Wil to adjourn at 8:22pm.