January 2015 Meeting Minutes

January 2015 Meeting Minutes




The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm by Simone Luke, President. Present: Simone Luke, Will Hernandez, Jack Damonte, Gerry Holstein, Salvatore Gambino, Debbie Adams and Glenn Parish. Homeowners Present: 12, Blue Crest Management: Mara Carter, Property Manager.


Financial Report- Gerry Holstein, Treasurer

  • Request for General Ledger for 2014 Operating and Reserve Account
  • $28,604.79 overage spent from the prior year excess
  • $16,809.00 what bank account? If cannot find write off. Motion by Gerry H. if money

not found within 1-2 weeks write off as prior period adjustment as of 12/1/2014.

Second Glenn P., motion carried with one dissenting vote from Jack D.

  • Stroemer & Company discount requested of 2014 Audit/Tax due to delay of information being provided in a timely manner.
    • Board officers elected at the Annual Meeting are to be signors on ALL accounts:

Simone Luke, President; Guillermo Hernandez, Vice President; Gerald Holstein,

Treasurer; Salvatore Gambino, Secretary. . Walter MacDonald to be removed from                                 ALL accounts as a signor (Banco Operating, Reserve and Suntrust Reserve Account,

motion carried, ALL IN FAVOR


Master Association Report

  • Sal Gambino, Secretary to attend Master Assoc. meetings every 2nd Tuesday

Earth Advisors issued discount for tree trimming as well as Dyna Serv for project issues and lack of timeliness

  • Lakes are tested monthly for midges – residents should advise if they see any
  • Changes to Master Docs will be reviewed at the next meeting


ARB- Judy Stoots

  • 10080 NW 3rd Court – deck approval awaiting paperwork and also fence approval



  • Contact Association Attorney for explanation (pros & cons) of foreclosure decisions


Violation Report

  • Update violation report: 10133 NW 4th Street mildew on home and torn screens



Old Business

  • Fencing Proposals – TABLED


New Business

  • Motion by Gerry H, to obtain a Reserve Study of the community. Second Sal G., motion

carried. ALL IN FAVOR. Glenn P. and Gerry H. to contact companies for reserve studies to include irrigation.


Open Forum

  • (2) breaks; irrigation company working on
  • Weeds and fungus; when treated (areas should be flagged)
  • Speed limit throughout community (City of Plantation delegate)


With no further discussion, Motion by Simone to adjourn at 815pm. ALL IN FAVOR




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