November 10, 2015 – Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Simone Luke, President. Present: Sal Gambino, Jack Damonte, Will Hernandez, Gerry Holstein, Nancy Becton, Glenn Parrish and Simone Luke. Excused: Mara Carter, Property Manager. 47 Residents in Attendance.
Motion by Gerry H. to accept minutes of October 20, 2015. Second Jack D., motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR
Presidents Report: Reported by Simone Luke, President
– After first mailing of Annual/Budget Meeting Notice a resident contacted Florida DBPR and sent the documents for verification. They were deemed invalid. SCHOA sent copy to legal for response and were advised to send out another notice with proper procedure and documentation. Legal noted that voting certificates were not required.
– Advised a new mailing was issued on Nov. 7th with valid documents, and was sent out by Blue
Crest at no additional cost to Sunset Cove HOA.
- Clarified for residents what had been agreed upon by board for 2016 monthly dues, $275 and
no assessment as was previously talked about.
Vote for Denial of Delinquent Voting Eligibility
- Residents who are 60 days past due on their dues will not have a valid vote at annual meeting.
- Motion by Will H., 2nd by Glenn P. All in favor. The list by Unit # and Amount Owing:
100484 $6,570 101415 $1,175 100712 $935 101564 $1400
100734 $1,925 101715 $2,425 101084 $2,130.08 101734 $6015
101105 $700 101815 $2,442.60 101253 $2,275 229101 $675
101413 $4,935 257101 $1,475 100125 $3,150 100362 $610
Old Business
– Explanation of proposed budget that will be voted on next week to residents and some of the
items the increase will cover and re-build reserves after major repair/replacement expenses
in 2015 like new irrigation system, guardhouse and pool bathroom renovations.
– Motion by Gerry H. and 2nd by Will H. to have attorney monitor elections. All IN FAVOR except
Jack D. against.
Open Forum
– Residents asked about dog waste stations throughout the community
– Discussion about work orders not completed and need better follow-up by Blue Crest
With no further discussion, motion by Jerry H. to adjourn at 7:45 Pm, 2nd by Glenn P. ALL IN FAVOR
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