October 20, 2015 – Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:22pm by Will Hernandez. Present: Will Hernandez, Gerry Holstein, Nancy Becton, Glenn Parrish, Jack Damonte and Sal Gambino. Excused: Simone Luke. Homeowners Present: 25 Blue Crest Management: Mara Carter, Property Manager
Motion by Sal G. to accept September 15, 2015 minutes. Second Glenn P., motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR
Financials – Report provided by Gerry H., Treasurer
- Over budget in tree trimming
- Reserve accounts $195,000 as of September 2015
- Bad debt allowance line item for delinquent units
Legal Update
- 10012 NW 5th Street requested payment plan; Board discussed a down payment offer and the remaining balance to be paid over a 12 month period
- Glenn P. to contact Attorney regarding delinquent accounts; foreclosure?
Master Association Report – Liz Albert
- Any exterior improvements must be approved by the Master Association; Sunset Cove may have to change the architectural form for 2 signatures (one for Master)
- Ventanna had criminal activity; cars broken into and tires stolen
- Lake Report: All lakes are numbered except for Sunset Cove and Plantation Palms
- Waterford had another outbreak of whitefly
Old Business
– Guardhouse project to begin October 22, 2015 with the bathroom leak under sink area; windows were ordered
– Drains in pool cabana bathrooms are not up to code, need to resubmit permit; gutting to begin early November 2015
– Painting of the exterior of pool cabana included in proposal; possibly paint in November 2015
Open Forum
- Website need to be updated (Web Manager Amanda, Oncor Solutions) download forms,
newsletter updates, meeting months
- Spraying for weeds done 4x per year; what are lawn dates and irrigation
With no further discussion, Motion by Sal G. to adjourn at 7:35pm. ALL IN FAVOR
APPROVED: _______________________________________________ DATE:________________________