September 2014 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:37pm by Simone Luke, President. Present: Simone Luke, Will Hernandez, Jack Damonte, Gerry Holstein, Peter Heymann, and Walt MacDonald. Absent: Linda Torrents and Debbie Adams. Homeowners Present:15 Blue Crest Management: Mara Carter, Property Manager
Motion by Will to accept August 18, 2014 minutes. Second Gerry, motion carried.
President Report – Simone
- Recall arbitration letter filed by Terri Kochan was read by Simone; the case is closed.
This legal item was not budgeted; Simone motioned to special assess for the legal cost of arbitration. The Board discussed the motion and decided to TABLE
- There were (7) break-ins at Waterford Courtyard
- Preparation of 2015 Proposed Budget; Gerry to prepare a detailed general ledger from
June 2014 to September 2014
Master Association Report
- Simone attended and the monthly fee for Sunset Cove will not be raised
- The Master Association documents were re-registered; the Attorney was present to
speak of changes and also update to be current with the FL Statutes
- The Master Association should allocate money properly for budget line itemization
ARB Report – Donna
- (2) homes approve for painting
- (1) garage door replaced
Management Report
- (9) owners settled the account for asphalt repairs with All County Concrete & Curbing
- All open permits regarding the fire hydrant and final inspection to be done and closed by
the end of week
- Landscape entrance (middle island), re-do pavers (clay not concrete) and remodel
- Broward County Health Department inspector suggested depth markers, pool rules, re-
do tiles inside pool and replacement of ladder
Unfinished Business
- Motion by Gerry to renew pool by resurfacing diamond brite, install new brick & tile;
work to be completed by Hixon Pools. Second Jack, motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR
- Motion by Gerry to hire Hixon Pool for monthly maintenance of the pool. Second Will,
motion carried. ALL IN FAVOR (Shamrock to be sent 30 day notice)
Financials – Gerry
- Over budget on several line items (Gerry will review to reallocate)
- $350,000 – Reserve accounts
- Need general ledger year to date for preliminary 2015 proposed budget
- Management to follow up with Attorney Eisenger on status of accounts
Open Forum
- Homeowner Carol discussed Ferrel cats (TNR – Tap, Neuter, Return) 40 cats neutered,
placed 15 in homes. Volunteers needed for the program, and Carol will give community education on how program works
- Owners need to fix wood fences. Should the Association pay and then assess each owner?
Common area fencing needs to be replaced
With no further discussion, Motion by Simone to adjourn at 8:10pm. ALL IN FAVOR